Saturday, March 28, 2009

So, it's 2 months later

Well hello there! Yea, I told you earlier in my blog if you don't hear from me I have fallen off the wagon. Yep, there you go. I said it. I suck ass. I fell off the wagon and haven't lost much weight and here I am trying to make you feel sorry for me. LOL! Not really, but shit, can't a girl wish?

BIG things have happened on my end. My husband who is only 43 years old had a heart attack last Sunday night. What's that like you ask? Well of course for him it sucked. But for me, it was the scariest thing that has ever happened. I can't even imagine being a 38 year old widow. That isn't how my life is supposed to be. I feel we dodged a big bullet this time. His guardian angel (Marcy, his mother) was watching over him and made him stay here on earth with me. I guess she figured he could visit another time. :-)

Since he has gotten out of the hospital we have been very careful with our eating. We both even ate FISH for dinner last night and you wouldn't catch fish on our menu before if it was swimming in a pond next to our house. We are going for walks after dinner and cutting out the soda and caffiene. He also is quitting smoking. Doctors orders ya know.

I am still going to Weight Watchers and plan on being successful at it. The thing now is, I am not doing this just to lose weight. I am doing this, or I should say WE are doing this for our health. I need my husband to be around to grow old with me and I need to be around as well for my daughter and him. So by putting the "losing weight" out of my head, maybe I can be successful at this. And the best part about it, my whole family will be much more healthier for it.

Carpe Diem bitches! Seriously though, seize the day, it could be your last.

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