Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Saga

Yep. It's another Marci saga. Well, not really. But everything in my life feels like a saga so that is what I am calling it.

I joined Weight Watchers on Thursday evening. I almost didn't make it to the meeting because my husband was late from work and I gotta tell ya I almost had a stroke. I was so pissed off that he wasn't home I was freaking out. Luckily he made it and all was well.

I walked into the place and seriously there were like 75 people there! WTF?? I have never been in a room so full of fatties. (of course this includes me so chill the hell out). I registered and sat in the back. After the meeting then the leader met with us "newbies". There were about 15 of us. Fucking New Years Resolutions. You know half of them were there because of that. I make this resolution every year and don't stick to it. Until this year that is. I feel like I am in a different frame of mind these days.

So, today is day 2 of the WW plan and so far so good. I was craving in a big way last night but managed to get through it. I have friends coming over tomorrow to watch the football game and that will be a challenge. I get pretty hard on myself at times, but heh, I know better now.

Anyway, I am going to go for a walk/run.........I will emphasize the walk part of that because I am too fat to run. But hell, I will give it a try. A fattie trying to run is always good entertainment right?

Onward and downward I say!

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